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Notice of Flushing in the Greater Valley Springs AreaJanuary 19, 2017

The Calaveras County Water District will be flushing its entire water distribution system in the greater Valley Springs area from January 23 through the end of March. These operations may impact CCWD customers in Rancho Calaveras, Jenny Lind Township, La Contenta and Gold Creek. Due to the large size of the system, CCWD crews will be systematically working their way through portions of the service area over a period of about 10 weeks. Flushing will take place between 8 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. on weekdays.

Tentative flushing schedule for the week of January 23

  • Sliver Rapids Road
  • Berkesey Drive
  • Baldwin Court & Highway 26
  • Hagen Court
  • Driver Court
  • Laurent Road
  • Reed Court
  • Clair Court
  • Blake Lane
  • Lewis Way
  • Butler Lane
  • Heney Lane
  • Blair Drive
  • Dennis Court
  • Jensen Court
  • Gallius Lane
  • Ross Drive
  • Didier Road
  • Brooks Road
  • Crestview Drive
  • Emereff Lane
  • Leary Court

Flushing is a normal part of the District’s Operations and Maintenance program to maintain drinking water standards. When flushing, crews will run high volumes of water through pipes to scrub off minerals that have built up inside of the pipes. The minerals that have been dislodged mix with the water and are flushed out of the system through fire hydrants in the area. The District will dechlorinate the water being flushed so it does not harm the environment. This process normally takes place every year. However, due to the extreme drought over the past few years, the state prohibited water agencies from flushing in 2014, unless it was required for public health and safety. Now that weather conditions have improved and we are no longer in a drought emergency, CCWD is resuming normal flushing operations.

During flushing operations, some customers may experience low water pressure and slightly discolored water which is not harmful to your health. Because the pipes have not been flushed in several years, there will be more mineral buildup than usual, which could lead to higher rates of discolored water. Conditions should return to normal within a few hours.

Customers will be notified when flushing is taking place in their area using these tools:

  • Signs will be placed in the area
  • A flushing schedule will be published on the District’s website and social media
  • Notice will be sent to local newspapers, websites and radio stations
  • Flyers will be posted in the area and available at the District’s office
  • Customers can call CCWD Customer Service at (209) 754-3543

When residents see signs in the area noticing residents that flushing crews are working in the area, they are asked to refrain from using water for a few hours. This will greatly minimize the chance of customers experiencing discolored water, and allow crews to remove the discolored water from the system.

It’s important to remember that even if the water is discolored, it is completely safe to drink and poses no health risk. However, the District recommends that customers avoid washing loads of laundry using bleach when experiencing discolored water, because it can lead to clothing being stained. If customers do experience discolored water and would like to flush their personal plumbing systems to remove the discolored water, they can turn on an outside faucet at the lowest point of their properties and let it run until the water turns clear.

Pickup truck parked beside a fire hydrant spraying water onto a sunny street with greenery around.


Those with questions may contact CCWD Customer Service at (209) 754-3543 or

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