Reach 1 Pipeline Replacement Project - February 28, 2021
Project Overview
CCWD is replacing about 5 miles of water transmission pipeline between Avery and Forest Meadows. Construction began on July 8, 2019, and will continue through fall 2020. The project is necessary to replace aging infrastructure that is failing and to increase fire flows and hydrants along Highway 4. The project is expected to cost $7.5 million and the funds are coming from the District’s Water Capital Renovation and Replacement Fund.
On weekdays, one-way traffic control may start as early as 6 a.m. and ends no later than 6 p.m. (3 p.m. on Fridays)
Construction crews mobilized on Monday March 2 for the 2020 construction season. Crews are clearing vegetation, installing sections of bypass piping, digging jack and bore pits and installing highway crossing infrastructure. For the remainder of the project, community members should expect shoulder and full lane closures. The project is expected to be complete this fall by the end of the 2020 construction season.
Construction Update
Crews are working on clearing vegetation, installing sections of bypass pipeline and installing new sections of main line. Community members should be prepared for one-way traffic control between Brice Station and Hathaway Pines through October 2020.
This page will be updated regularly with new project information.
Call the Reach 1 Project Information Line for Recorded Updates: (209) 754-3297
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Project Details
The project will replace an existing 8-inch steel water transmission pipeline installed in 1965. The pipeline is being replaced due to its poor condition and a series of failures and repairs. The new pipeline will consist of 23,000 feet of new, 12-inch pipeline and 1,300 feet of new, 8-inch diameter ductile iron water main pipeline, including pressure reducing stations, fire hydrants and air-release valves.
The alignment starts at Hunter Dam Road near Avery, continues westward along Highway 4 through Hathaway Pines and Red Apple Ranch and ends 6,300 feet west of the entrance to Forest Meadows. Other than an 1,100-ft section on U.S. Forest Service property near Hunter Dam Road, the alignment is in Caltrans right-of-way along Highway 4. Both existing and new pipelines are located primarily past edge of pavement within the south side of the right-of-way, along with an existing buried high voltage electrical line.
Given its age, poor condition and high pressure (250-psi), caution must be taken when excavating or working in close proximity to the existing active pipeline. The work will be sequenced to keep the existing pipeline operational and install the new pipeline without causing service interruptions to customers and to safeguard public health and bacteriological sterility in the water system. For portions of the alignment, the contractor must provide temporary bypass piping to maintain continuous water service in order to remove the existing steel line from the trench and then install the new pipeline. The contractor’s work is subject to encroachment permits, traffic control requirements, environmental mitigation, and numerous other permit conditions that must be performed by the Contractor during the course of work.