Copper Cove B Tank & Clearwell
The Project is located at the Calaveras County Water District’s Copper Cove Water Treatment Plant (WTP) at Kiva Place, and the Copper Cove B Tanks Site at Signal Hill, located in the community of Copperopolis.
The Project consists of the following work:

- Demolition of existing redwood tank.
- Construction of new welded steel storage tanks at the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) and B Tank Site.
- Rehabilitation of the existing WTP Clearwell and Steel B Tank.
- Associated site piping, both above ground and below ground, and appurtenances for interconnection.
- Pavement, site grading, and installation of concrete tank foundation.
- Installation of chain link fence and chain link double swing gate.
- Miscellaneous electrical improvements and cathodic protection for tanks.
- Coordination with District for demolition, relocation, and interconnections to existing facilities in such a manner as to minimize impacts to Copper Cove Water Treatment Plant’s ability to provide water to its customers.