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CCWD Notifying Customers of Proposed Water, Sewer Rate Changes - March 29, 2018

After more than a year of in-depth analysis and discussion, the Calaveras County Water District Board of Directors instructed staff to send written notifications to customers regarding proposed changes to rates for the District’s 13,000 water customers and 5,000 sewer customers (see below). These notices are required by Proposition 2018 (Prop. 218), which is a constitutional amendment passed in 1996 that ensures public agencies notify customers before rates or fees are changed. Prop. 218 also requires a 45-day period between the mailing of the notices and the date of a final public hearing, at which time the new water and sewer rates will be voted on by CCWD Board members. CCWD’s public rate hearing is scheduled for 1 p.m. May 23, 2018, at the District’s headquarters at 120 Toma Court, San Andreas. All information regarding the proposed rate changes will be posted to

CCWD Prop. 218 Notice

CCWD Prop. 218 Notice

Public Outreach

During the months of April and May, the District will continue its public outreach efforts regarding rates, which have been ongoing since summer 2017. These include meeting with community leaders, working with local media providers, speaking to community groups, posting flyers throughout the county, posting information on the District’s website and social media accounts and answering questions via phone and in person in the Customer Service Department. Staff will also make presentations about the proposed rate changes at town hall meetings throughout the county. These meetings have been planned in the evenings to ensure community members can attend after work.

Town Hall Meeting Schedule

For additional information about the rate changes, click below to view two presentations staff recently provided to the CCWD Board of Director

March 14 presentationMarch 28 presentation


Customers with questions regarding the proposed rate changes may be directed to the CCWD Customer Service Department at or (209) 754-3123.

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