Local Efforts Underway Related to Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater

October 29, 2018
The Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority is hosting its second public informational meeting about its Groundwater Sustainability Plan on November 7 from 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. at the Manteca Transit Center, 220 Moffat Blvd, Manteca.
The Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority was established to ensure initial and ongoing SGMA compliance within the subbasin. It is developing a Groundwater Sustainability Plan to reflect local needs and conditions and prioritize local control over groundwater resources. Calaveras County Water District has partnered with Calaveras County, Stanislaus County and Rock Creek Water District to manage the portions of the Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Basin within their governing areas. This group of four agencies formed the Eastside Groundwater Sustainability Agency (Eastside GSA) (see the link to the right of this page). The Eastside GSA participates in a Joint Powers Authority along with other local agencies in San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties which make up the Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority (Groundwater Authority).
The Groundwater Authority began hosting a series of public meetings to provide updates on local efforts to meet the state goals of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) in August of 2018 when an open house was held (see Open house webpage linked at the right of this page). This second public informational meeting will give an overview on the current groundwater management status and conditions, and will provide an update on key plan elements. The public will have the opportunity to ask questions and provide input on the plan.
Additional public meetings will be held between now and summer 2019. SGMA requires that the plan must be complete by January 31, 2020 and the basin must reach sustainability by 2040.
For more information, visit www.esjgroundwater.org. For questions about the Groundwater Authority, call (209) 468-3089 or email ESJgroundwater@sjgov.org. For questions about the Eastside GSA, contact Joel Metzger, manager of CCWD external affairs, at joelm@ccwd.org or 209-754-3123.
About the Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority:
The Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority’s mission is to provide dynamic, cost-effective, flexible and collegial organization to ensure initial and ongoing SGMA compliance within the subbasin. Its purpose is to provide coordination among its 17 Groundwater Sustainability Agency members, carry out SGMA purposes, develop, adopt and implement a Groundwater Sustainability Plan and satisfy SGMA’s requirements for coordination among the Groundwater Sustainability Agencies. Visit www.esjgroundwater.org for more information.